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99 Petrovskaya street
Rostovskaya oblast
+7 863 4315698 ext 101

RITM OKB ZAO Company was founded in 1980 and has been working for nearly 30 years as the developer, manufacturer and distributor of the high-end medical equipment. Our primary focus is the development of medical systems and devices for diagnostics and treatment as well as systems and devices for evaluation of a human psychophysiological condition.

RITM OKB is certified according to the International ISO 13485 and ISO 9001 standards and has a number of certificates enabling marketing of its products in 36 countries: CE, FDA, TGA, Cofepris, MFDS, Health Canada etc. The certificates can be provided at your request.

SCENAR technology is protected by the numerous patents and trademarks in many countries.

Main products exported by RITM OKB ZAO are SCENAR devices and add-on electrodes, as well as the RITM-ULM healing blankets and clothes.

SCENAR – is a Self-Controlled Energo Neuro Adaptive Regulator - a Class IIa medical device for bio-controlled electrostimulation in order to eliminate pain and other related conditions. This is a portable device which can replace a physiotherapy cabinet.


SCENAR has a wide range of effects:

•             Anti-pain

•             Anti-edematic

•             Sanogenous

•             Anti-inflammatory

•             Lymphatic drainage

•             Myostimulation

•             Increased blood circulation

•             Increased permeability of tissues

•             General regulation

•             Antioxidant system activation

•             Autonomous system stabilization

•             Immune response activation


SCENAR is efficiently used in:


•             General care

•             Urgent care

•             General surgery and traumatology

•             Sports medicine

•             Neurology

•             Urology, Gynaecology, Andrology

•             Rehabilitation

•             Palliative care

•             Aesthetic medicine

•             Dentistry



Our devices are designed to be user-friendly and intended both for home care and for professional therapy. High-technological devices at a reasonable price. We constantly develop and update our models specifically to R&D and design.

We are focused on providing training to physicians, physiotherapists, retailers and patients.

Please find some doctors' feedback here.

Some articles representing the efficacy of SCENAR devices here.

More research and clinical data can be provided at your request.

We are looking for partnering with more medical professionals and distributors and would be glad to come with the mutually beneficial offer. The medium to high prices assure high-profit margins for distributors.

Below please find more information about our company and products materials (click to access)

Presentation on the company and its products.  


SCENAR cares about your health.

The newest SCENAR developments    

SCENAR devices for professional use  

SCENAR devices for home use

SCENAR Add-on electrodes 

SCENAR Vertebra  

Healing compound blanket and clothes

Some short videos about SCENAR devices (click to access):

SCENAR — very efficient and easy to use

SCENAR devices for home use

Evolution of professional SCENAR devices

More videos are at our YouTube Channel.

We look forward to the opportunity of serving you.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or feedback that you would like to share.

Exhibited At: 
SCENAR devices for home use

SCENAR electrotherapy devices for personal use

SCENAR professional devices

SCENAR electrotherapy devices for professional use