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CAScination AG

Steigerhubelstrasse 3
3008 Bern

CAScination is dedicated to the development, manufacture and commercialization of innovations in computer-assisted and image-guided interventional radiology and surgery. Our trailblazing navigation systems and surgical robots are designed to improve outcomes for those undergoing surgical or interventional procedures and offer new perspectives to patients worldwide. Our CAS-One planning and navigation system is used to treat patients suffering from soft tissue cancer (e.g., liver cancer). we aim to provide physicians with the tools needed to ensure precise, reproducible and efficient therapy, and give more patients access to minimally invasive and effective treatments, helping them to recover fast and get back to enjoying life. Our CAS-One planning and navigation system is CE marked and FDA cleared, and is used in many hospitals across the world.

Our portfolio of products and solutions includes navigation systems for open and minimally invasive cancer treatment as well as an otological planning software OTOPLAN. CAScination is committed to continuously expanding the indications of precision navigation for the benefit of patients worldwide.

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